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Writer's pictureMyQuest Farms

Cloning Cannabis Plants

Cloning cannabis plants is a popular technique among growers looking to replicate their best plants. This process involves taking a cutting from a mature plant and encouraging it to grow into a new, genetically identical plant. Cloning has several benefits, including saving time, preserving genetics, and ensuring uniformity in the crop. In this chapter, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of cloning a cannabis plant, covering everything from selecting a mother plant to transplanting your clones into their final growing medium.

1. Understanding Cloning

Cloning, in the context of cannabis cultivation, is the process of creating a new plant from a cutting of an existing plant. This method ensures that the new plant will have the exact same genetic makeup as the "mother" plant, allowing growers to replicate plants with desirable traits such as potency, flavor, or yield.

2. Selecting a Mother Plant

The first step in cloning is to choose a healthy and vigorous mother plant. Ideally, this plant should be at least two months old and in the vegetative stage of growth. Look for plants with strong genetics, good disease resistance, and the specific characteristics you want to replicate. Avoid using plants that are flowering, as clones taken from these plants may experience slower growth and reduced vigor.

3. Preparing for Cloning

Before taking cuttings, gather all necessary supplies:

  • A sharp, sterilized pair of scissors or a razor blade.

  • A clean workspace.

  • Rooting hormone to encourage root development.

  • A growing medium such as rockwool cubes.

  • A humidity dome or plastic cover to maintain moisture around the cuttings.

  • A light source, preferably T5 fluorescent or LED lights, set to an 18/6 light cycle (18 hours on, 6 hours off).

4. Taking Cuttings

When taking cuttings, select healthy branches with at least two or three nodes (points where leaves attach to the stem). Make a clean, 45-degree angle cut with your sterilized tool about 5-8 inches below the tip of the branch. This angled cut increases the surface area available for rooting. Immediately after cutting, place the cutting in water to prevent air bubbles from entering the stem.

5. Applying Rooting Hormone

After preparing your cuttings, dip the cut end into rooting hormone powder or solution. This step is crucial as it significantly improves the chances of your cuttings developing roots. Shake off any excess hormone to avoid overapplication.

6. Planting Cuttings

Next, insert the treated cuttings into the rockwool cubes. Make a hole with a pencil or similar tool into the rockwool cube and gently insert the stem. Ensure the rockwool is moist but not waterlogged.

7. Creating the Ideal Environment

Place the planted cuttings under a humidity dome or cover them with a plastic sheet to maintain high humidity levels, which are critical for encouraging root growth. Keep the environment warm, ideally between 72-77°F (22-25°C), and place the cuttings under a gentle light source. Avoid direct sunlight or intense artificial light, as this can stress the delicate cuttings.


8. Monitoring and Caring for Your Clones

During the first week, open the humidity dome briefly each day to allow fresh air to circulate and prevent mold growth. Keep the growing medium moist, but be careful not to overwater. After the first week, gradually increase the time the dome is removed to acclimate the clones to lower humidity levels.

9. Transplanting

Roots usually appear within 7-14 days. Once the clones have developed a healthy root system, they are ready to be transplanted into a larger pot with soil or another growing medium. Be gentle during the transplanting process to avoid damaging the delicate roots.

10. Aftercare

After transplanting, continue to monitor the plants closely, adjusting water, nutrients, and light as needed. Clones may take some time to recover from the transplant shock and begin vigorous growth. It's important to maintain a consistent environment to ensure the best possible development of your new plants.


Cloning cannabis plants can be a rewarding process, allowing growers to produce multiple copies of their best plants. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, even novice growers can successfully clone their cannabis plants, preserving desirable genetics and ensuring a consistent and high-quality crop. Remember, practice and patience are key to mastering the art of cloning. With time, you'll refine your technique and increase your success rate, leading to an abundant and thriving garden.

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